14th Metaheuristics International Conference

11-14 July 2022, Ortigia-Syracuse, Italy


MIC'2022 is focused on presentations that cover different aspects of metaheuristic research such as new algorithmic developments, high-impact and original applications, new research challenges, theoretical developments, implementation issues, and in-depth experimental studies.  MIC'2022  strives a high-quality program that will be completed by a number of invited talks, tutorials, workshops and special sessions.

MIC'2022 solicits contributions dealing with any aspect of metaheuristics. Typical, but not exclusive, topics of interest are:

  • Metaheuristic techniques such as tabu search, simulated annealing, iterated local search, variable neighborhood search, memory-based optimization, dynamic local search, evolutionary algorithms, memetic algorithms, ant colony optimization, variable neighborhood search, particle swarm optimization, scatter search, path relinking, GRASP, etc.
  • Techniques that enhance the usability and increase the potential of metaheuristic algorithms such as reactive search mechanisms for self-tuning, offline metaheuristic algorithm configuration techniques, algorithm portfolios, parallelization of metaheuristic algorithms, etc. 
  • Empirical and theoretical research in metaheuristics including large-scale experimental analyses, algorithm comparisons, new experimental methodologies, engineering methodologies for metaheuristic algorithms, search space analysis, theoretical insights into properties of metaheuristic algorithms, etc. 
  • High-impact applications of metaheuristics in fields such as bioinformatics, electrical and mechanical engineering, telecommunications, sustainability, business, scheduling and timetabling. Particularly welcome are innovative applications of metaheuristic algorithms that have a potential of pushing research frontiers.
  • Contributions on the combination of metaheuristic techniques with those from other areas, such as integer programming, constraint programming, machine learning, etc. 
  • Contributions on the use of metaheuristic techniques in machine learning and deep learning for finetuning and neural architecture search, etc. 
  • Challenging applications areas such as continuous, mixed discrete-continuous, multi-objective, stochastic, or dynamic problems.

Submission Details

MIC 2022 accepts submissions in three different formats:

S1) Regular paper: novel and original research contributions of a maximum of 15 pages  (LNCS format)

S2) Short paper: extended abstract of novel research works of 6 pages (LNCS format)

S3) Oral/Poster presentation: high-quality manuscripts that have recently, within the last year, been submitted or accepted for journal publication.

All submitted papers will undergo a double-blind anonymous review process, therefore authors are invited to omit any kind information about them.

All papers must be prepared using Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) template (available here), and must be submitted in PDF using the easychair system.

Proceedings and Special Issue

Accepted papers in categories S1 and S2 will be published as post-proceedings in Lecture Notes in Computer Science series by Springer. 


Accepted contributions of category S3 will be considered for oral or poster presentations at the conference based on the number received and the slots available, and will not be included into the LNCS proceedings. An electronic book instead will be prepared by the MIC 2022 organizing committee, and made available on the website.

In addition, a post-conference special issue in International Transactions in Operational Research (ITOR) will be considered for the significantly extended and revised versions of selected accepted papers from categories S1 and S2.